AWL-NcW House Shows


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The Arena

*The ring crew finishes setting up the venue as the announcer for the local televsion station comes in.  The audience files in, filling the small arena.*
Chuck: Hello everyone...let me welcome you to the new AWL-NcW house show!  My name is Chuck Wallace...our ring announcer for the night is John Donner, and our referee is Will Harrison.  Please sit back and enjoy the show!!

*David Sims vs. The Punisher
(Non-Title Match)
(Standard Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 345 pounds, from Parts Unknown, The Punisher!!! (crowd cheers *)

[As Bring it by DMX plays over intercome fire is Lighting up along the Ramp Way as he goes to ring when reaching ring Jumps up on the apron and steps over the top rope as Lights come on goes over to corner waits for opponent to enter ring and tosses T-Shirt out to the Fans. ]

John Donner - and his opponent, weighing in at 224 pounds, from Chicago, IL, *David Sims!!!

[David Scott walks to the ring. The Monster drops *David Sims with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. *David Sims walks around the ring. (the bell rings) The Punisher kicks *David Sims in the back of the leg. The Monster measures *David Sims up and drops a closed fist. *David Sims is up again. *David Sims places The Monster over by the turnbuckle. *David Sims jumps off with a flying somersault neckbreaker. *David Sims moves back to his feet. The Punisher is locked in an elbow submission by *David Sims. The referee is checking the situation. ... The Punisher trys to escape. ... *David Sims breaks the hold. *David Sims and The Punisher go to the floor ]

Chuck Wallace - They better be careful, they could get counted out there.

[Will Harrison starts the count (.1) (..2) *David Sims gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on The Punisher. (...3) The Punisher executes a pumphandle suplex on *David Sims. The Monster gets back to his feet. Now *David Sims standing. (....4) *David Sims hits a jumping elbow hrust on The Monster. (.....5) They head back into the ring. *David Sims jumps and elbow smashes the lying The Monster. *David Sims hits The Monster with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. *David Sims stands up. The Monster moves back to his feet. *David Sims elbow smashes The Monster in the nose. The Monster hits *David Sims with the northern lights suplex. ]

Chuck Wallace - Good northern lights suplex by The Punisher.

[Now The Punisher standing. The Punisher uses a belly-to-belly suplex. *David Sims is down. *David Sims is back on his feet. *David Sims executes a ropeflip hiptoss on The Punisher. The Punisher drives a forearm into the head of *David Sims. The Punisher side slams *David Sims. *David Sims climbs to his feet. The Punisher sets *David Sims up on the top turnbuckle, then hooks him up and slams him with a DVD off the top. ]

Chuck Wallace - The Monster's momma would be proud!

[ The Monster bends over as *David Sims elbows him in the midsection. The Monster hits the fallaway slam on *David Sims. The Monster moves back to his feet. The Punisher catches *David Sims in the crucifx and goes for the pin. The Monster chants start. The Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on *David Sims. The Punisher gets up. The Monster kicks *David Sims in the head. The Monster kicks *David Sims in the groin. Will Harrison asks *David Sims if he quits. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The Punisher tightens the hold. ... The Punisher tightens the hold. ... *David Sims is fighting the hold. *David Sims taps out. ]

Chuck Wallace - The Monster has won the match!

John Donner - The winner of this match, The Punisher!!!

*Bill Taylor vs. Loki
(Non-Title Match)
(Standard Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 362 pounds, from Midgard he holds the NcW Television title belt, Loki!!! (crowd boos **)

[A huge blast of fire issuing from the bowels of the Earth come up and Loki is standing in the middle of it. He walks down and pulls himself into the ring by the top rope.He looks at his opponet and then offers them to the Valkries. ]

John Donner - and his opponent, weighing in at 250 pounds,, *Bill Taylor!!!

[*Bill Taylor walks to the ring. Will Harrison is the referee for this contest. Loki tests out the ropes. *Bill Taylor executes a pumphandle suplex on Loki. (ding, ding, ding) Loki bounces *Bill Taylor off the ropes and clotheslines him. *Bill Taylor climbs the turnbuckle and nails Loki with a flying bulldog. *Bill Taylor climbs to his feet. *Bill Taylor executes the sleeperhold on Loki. Will Harrison asks Loki if he quits. ... Loki trys to escape. ... Loki is fighting the hold. ... ... Loki is fighting the hold. *Bill Taylor breaks the hold. *Bill Taylor drags Loki to the floor. ]

Chuck Wallace - They better be careful, they could get counted out there.

[Will Harrison starts the count (.1) (..2) *Bill Taylor measures Loki up and drops a closed fist. *Bill Taylor gets back to his feet. Loki moves back to his feet. (...3) Loki kicks *Bill Taylor in the face. (....4) Loki punches *Bill Taylor repeatedly. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Loki kicks *Bill Taylor in the face. *Bill Taylor gets up. *Bill Taylor trys for a flying kick but Loki avoids it. *Bill Taylor tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block. *Bill Taylor stands up. Loki gets back to his feet. *Bill Taylor chops Loki. *Bill Taylor hits Loki with the back of his elbow. Loki bounces *Bill Taylor off the ropes and clotheslines him. Loki executes the brain buster ddt on *Bill Taylor. Loki sucks chants start in the crowd. Loki gets back to his feet. Flying somersault drop kick by *Bill Taylor puts him back in the match. ]

Chuck Wallace - *Bill Taylor executes a flying somersault dropkick.

[*Bill Taylor stands up. *Bill Taylor knees Loki and rolls back to his feet. Loki is back on his feet. Loki kicks *Bill Taylor in the face with the big boot. Loki sucks chants start in the crowd. Loki leaps from the top turnbuckle with a senton splash, landing back first on *Bill Taylor's chest. Now Loki standing. *Bill Taylor gets back to his feet. Loki bounces *Bill Taylor off the ropes and clotheslines him. *Bill Taylor is back on his feet. Loki dropkicks *Bill Taylor to the knee. Loki is up again. *Bill Taylor climbs to his feet. Loki with The Assention, driving *Bill Taylor into the mat. Handspring hurricanrana by Loki has *Bill Taylor pinned. Will Harrison counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Chuck Wallace - We've got ourselves a winner!

John Donner - The winner of this match, Loki!!!

*Jose Cen Yusea vs. Lance Knight
(Non-Title Match)
(Standard Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 395 pounds, from Avalon a member of K.o.D., Lance Knight!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Lights go out as Last Resort by Papa Roach plays. Two fireworks shoot off from the sides of the ramp and Lance Knight walks down to the ring ]

John Donner - and his opponent, weighing in at 245 pounds, from San Antonio, TX, *Jose Cen Yusea!!!

[Jose Cen Yusea comes to the ring. Lance Knight walks around the ring. *Jose Cen Yusea places Lance Knight on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Lance Knight delivers a kick to the head of *Jose Cen Yusea. *Jose Cen Yusea nails Lance Knight with an inverted DDT. ]

Chuck Wallace - That inverted DDT was very good.

[*Jose Cen Yusea is up again. *Jose Cen Yusea climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Lance Knight. ]

Chuck Wallace - That diving headbutt was very good.

[*Jose Cen Yusea is back on his feet. Lance Knight is locked in the elbow submission by *Jose Cen Yusea. Will Harrison asks Lance Knight if he quits. ... Lance Knight trys to escape. ... Lance Knight trys to escape. *Jose Cen Yusea breaks the hold. ]

Chuck Wallace - The AWL is the only place for entertainment like this!

[*Jose Cen Yusea leg drops Lance Knight. Lance Knight takes *Jose Cen Yusea off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Lance Knight measures *Jose Cen Yusea up and drops a closed fist. Lance Knight is back on his feet. Lance Knight uses a lariat on *Jose Cen Yusea. Will Harrison counts the pin. ...1 ...2 *Jose Cen Yusea kicks out. ]

Chuck Wallace - Not even close!

[*Jose Cen Yusea is back on his feet. *Jose Cen Yusea uses a closed fist on Lance Knight. *Jose Cen Yusea connects with a flying knee. Lance Knight goes down. *Jose Cen Yusea hits Lance Knight with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. *Jose Cen Yusea is back on his feet. *Jose Cen Yusea leg drops Lance Knight. Lance Knight moves back to his feet. *Jose Cen Yusea locks Lance Knight in the kneebar. Referee Will Harrison is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Lance Knight trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Lance Knight trys to escape. ... *Jose Cen Yusea tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) Lance Knight taps out. ]

Chuck Wallace - We've got ourselves a winner!

John Donner - The winner of this match, *Jose Cen Yusea!!!

*Strike Force vs. Death Guard
(Non-Title Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, *Strike Force!!!

[*Strike Force come to the ring. ]

John Donner - and their opponents, the team of Death Guard.

[The lights go out, and Break Stuff hits on the PA system. Atom Bomb comes to the top of the ramp, and walks down. He then points up and Mayhem appears, leaning back and breathing fire. Mayhem walks to the ring as both he and Atom Bomb ascend the turnbuckles and point to the crowd. *Sgt. Valor walks around the ring. Atom Bomb* drops *Sgt. Valor with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) *Sgt. Valor punches Atom Bomb* repeatedly. Mayhem tagged in by Atom Bomb*. Mayhem stands up. The Iron Dragon delivers a short-arm clothesline to *Sgt. Valor. Atom Bomb* tagged in by The Iron Dragon. Atom Bomb* grabs *Sgt. Valor and applies an arm wrench. Atom Bomb* tags The Iron Dragon. *Sgt. Valor sets Mayhem up DDTs him into the mat. ]

Chuck Wallace - That power move was very good.

[ The Iron Dragon gets up. The Iron Dragon tags Atom Bomb*. The Iron Dragon picks *Sgt. Valor up and side slams him to the mat. Mayhem hits him with a back fist. Atom Bomb* picks up *Sgt. Valor and hits him with a Back Suplex. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is just awefull! *Sgt. Valor is being double teamed!

[*Sgt. Valor rakes his fingers across Atom Bomb*'s back. Atom Bomb* gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Atom Bomb* tags in Mayhem. The Iron Dragon uses a closed fist on *Sgt. Valor. The Iron Dragon hits a power slam on *Sgt. Valor. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is just awefull! *Sgt. Valor is being double teamed!

[Mayhem with a headbutt on *Sgt. Valor, he laughs, and headbutts again, and again, and again. *Sgt. Valor climbs to his feet. Mayhem makes the tag to Atom Bomb*. Atom Bomb* executes a pumphandle suplex on *Sgt. Valor. *Sgt. Valor stands up. Atom Bomb* short-arm clotheslines *Sgt. Valor to the mat. *White Tiger tagged in by *Sgt. Valor. *White Tiger uses a snap mare takeover on Atom Bomb*. Now Atom Bomb* standing. *White Tiger does a cartwheel and kicks Atom Bomb* in the face. *White Tiger punches Atom Bomb* repeatedly. *White Tiger with a headscissors takeover on Atom Bomb*. ]

Chuck Wallace - Atom Bomb* takes a headscissors takeover.

[*White Tiger gets up. Atom Bomb* stands up. Atom Bomb* punches *White Tiger in the head. *White Tiger double underhook faceslams Atom Bomb* hard to the Atom Bomb*. *White Tiger tags *Sgt. Valor. *Sgt. Valor is up again. *Sgt. Valor executes a piledriver on Atom Bomb*. *Sgt. Valor chants start. Mayhem tagged in by Atom Bomb*. *Sgt. Valor takes The Iron Dragon down with a knee. *Sgt. Valor punches The Iron Dragon repeatedly. *Sgt. Valor tags in *White Tiger. *White Tiger trys for a gutbuster but is unable to lift The Iron Dragon.*White Tiger brings in *Sgt. Valor for *Strike Force. *Sgt. Valor get whipped into the corner and The Iron Dragon follows himin with an avalanche. *Sgt. Valor tags in *White Tiger. *White Tiger kicks Mayhem in the groin. *Sgt. Valor comes from behind and bulldogs The Iron Dragon. ]

Chuck Wallace - Come on ref! Do something!! Mayhem is being double teamed!

[*Sgt. Valor uses a lariat on Mayhem. *Sgt. Valor get nailed with a double axhandle chop from The Iron Dragon. Atom Bomb* tagged in by The Iron Dragon. Atom Bomb* is up again. Atom Bomb* hits *White Tiger with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. *White Tiger moves back to his feet. *White Tiger brings in *Sgt. Valor for *Strike Force. *Sgt. Valor punches Atom Bomb* repeatedly. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is just awefull! Atom Bomb* is being double teamed!

[Atom Bomb* lifts *Sgt. Valor up and drops him on his knee. *Sgt. Valor stands up. Atom Bomb* with a gut-wrench suplex on *Sgt. Valor. *Sgt. Valor is up again. *Sgt. Valor tags *White Tiger. *White Tiger picks up Atom Bomb* and front slams him on the mat. Atom Bomb* gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by *Sgt. Valor. *Sgt. Valor hits Atom Bomb* with the back of his elbow. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is just awefull! Atom Bomb* is being double teamed!

[Atom Bomb* executes a headlock takedown. ]

Chuck Wallace - Atom Bomb* executes a headlock takedown.

[*White Tiger tags in *Sgt. Valor. *Sgt. Valor piledrives Atom Bomb*. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is just awefull! Atom Bomb* is being double teamed!

[Atom Bomb* lifts *Sgt. Valor into the air and delivers a spine buster. *Sgt. Valor is back on his feet. Atom Bomb* brings in The Iron Dragon for Death Guard. Mayhem runs and tackles *Sgt. Valor. The Iron Dragon punches him in the head. The Iron Dragon makes the tag to Atom Bomb*. Atom Bomb* goes for a crucifix but *Sgt. Valor dodges the attack. Atom Bomb* and *Sgt. Valor go to the floor ]

Chuck Wallace - They better be careful, they could get counted out there.

[Will Harrison starts the count (.1) (..2) Atom Bomb* applies an arm wrench to *Sgt. Valor. ]

Chuck Wallace - Atom Bomb* executes a arm wrench.

[(...3) Atom Bomb* delivers a spine buster to *Sgt. Valor. *Sgt. Valor is up again. *Sgt. Valor executes an airplane spin on Atom Bomb*. *Sgt. Valor is back on his feet. They head back into the ring. ]

Chuck Wallace - Atom Bomb* is likely to be pinned at the ring. I wish every match could be like this!

[*Sgt. Valor is t-bone suplexed by Atom Bomb*. ]

Chuck Wallace - Atom Bomb* with a t-bone suplex.

[Atom Bomb* tags in The Iron Dragon. *Sgt. Valor uses a lariat on Mayhem. Mayhem brings in Atom Bomb* for Death Guard. Atom Bomb* gut-wrenchs *Sgt. Valor. Mayhem suplexes *Sgt. Valor. ]

Chuck Wallace - Come on ref! Do something!! *Sgt. Valor is being double teamed!

[ The Iron Dragon moves back to his feet. The Iron Dragon drops *Sgt. Valor with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. *Sgt. Valor moves back to his feet. The Iron Dragon connects with a flying knee. *Sgt. Valor goes down. Will Harrison asks *Sgt. Valor if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Mayhem breaks the hold. *White Tiger tagged in by *Sgt. Valor. Atom Bomb* picks *White Tiger up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. ]

Chuck Wallace - Atom Bomb* executes a fireman's carry into flapjack.

[*White Tiger pokes Atom Bomb* in the eyes. *White Tiger slaps Atom Bomb*. *White Tiger gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Atom Bomb*. Atom Bomb* catches *White Tiger in the crucifx and goes for the pin. Atom Bomb* gets up. Atom Bomb* sets *White Tiger up on the top rope, then he H-Bombs him onto the mat! *White Tiger gets hit with a running powerslam by Atom Bomb* The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

John Donner - The winners of this match, Death Guard!!!
Main Event

K.C. Tanks* vs. Cpl. Punishment
(Non-Title Match)
(Standard Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at...
*The PA System crackles*
OH YOUR A$$ DIDN'T KNOW??????????????????
*Cpl. comes to the top of the ramp as Voo Doo Child hits.  He looks around smirking and laughing, holding his arms in the air with his wrists crossed.  He takes up a mic and looks around*
Cpl.: Johnny still don't get it do you son....let the man himself get it done.
*Cpl. slowly starts walking to the ring holding the mic.*
Cpl.: Ladies and gentleman...boys and girls....children of all ages....WELCOME to the GREATEST Show on Earth.....Tonight...for your viewing pleasure...the superstar, not man of leisure.....Coming to the ring at this time......weighing 215 and looking fine....You're favorite and mine.....The Man.....The Myth...The Legend........ YOUR AWL-NcW Cruizerweight Champion of the WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!
*Cpl. pauses, standing on the ring apron, and looking around*
Cpl.: CPL. PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Cpl. grins, and tosses the mic to John Donner*
John Donner - and his opponent, weighing in at 224 pounds, from Brantford Ontario Canada, K.C. Tanks*!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[Whoop There it is by Tag Team cues he runs down jumps off stage into crowd, crowd surfs down to the ring baricade climbs over baricade, climbs apron then does a flip landing onto feet in the ring. Chucks Hoody into audience. Will Harrison checks Cpl. Punishment's boots and knee pads. K.C. Tanks* executes a pumphandle suplex on Cpl. Punishment. (the bell rings) Cpl. Punishment bounces K.C. Tanks* off the ropes and clotheslines him. Cpl. Punishment goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 K.C. Tanks* kicks out. ]

Chuck Wallace - Not even close!

[K.C. Tanks* nails Cpl. Punishment with a belly-to-back suplex. K.C. Tanks* bounces Cpl. Punishment off the ropes and clotheslines him. Cpl. Punishment is back on his feet. K.C. Tanks* nails Cpl. Punishment with a belly-to-back suplex. K.C. Tanks* stands up. Cpl. Punishment throws K.C. Tanks* off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. ]

Chuck Wallace - Cpl. Punishment is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Cpl. Punishment puts the chicken wing on K.C. Tanks*. Cpl. Punishment stands up. ]

Chuck Wallace - Cpl. Punishment is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Cpl. Punishment locks K.C. Tanks* in the kneebar. Cpl. Punishment hits K.C. Tanks* with the crotch slam. Cpl. Punishment sucks chants start in the crowd. Cpl. Punishment grabs K.C. Tanks*'s arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Referee Will Harrison is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Cpl. Punishment tightens the hold. K.C. Tanks* escapes. Cpl. Punishment drags K.C. Tanks* to the floor. ]

Chuck Wallace - They better be careful, they could get counted out there.

[Will Harrison starts the count (.1) (..2) K.C. Tanks* bounces Cpl. Punishment off the ropes and clotheslines him. (...3) K.C. Tanks* punches Cpl. Punishment repeatedly. (....4) K.C. Tanks* bounces Cpl. Punishment off the ropes and clotheslines him. (.....5) K.C. Tanks* takes Cpl. Punishment into the ring. They lockup. K.C. Tanks* sends Cpl. Punishment to the corner of the ring. Cpl. Punishment kicks K.C. Tanks* on the mat. Cpl. Punishment sucks chants start in the crowd. Cpl. Punishment executes the German suplex on K.C. Tanks*. Cpl. Punishment bounces K.C. Tanks* off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop. Cpl. Punishment grabs K.C. Tanks* and applies an arm wrench. Cpl. Punishment sucks chants start in the crowd. Cpl. Punishment puts K.C. Tanks* in the double underhook position and gives him the Military backbreaker. Cpl. Punishment covers K.C. Tanks*. Referee Will Harrison makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Chuck Wallace - Cpl. Punishment has won the match!

John Donner - The winner of this match, Cpl. Punishment!!!

Blackwalker Productions
