AWL-NcW House Shows


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The Arena

*The ring crew finishes setting up the venue as the announcer for the local televsion station comes in.  The audience files in, filling the small arena.*
Chuck: Hello everyone...let me welcome you to the new AWL-NcW house show!  My name is Chuck Wallace...our ring announcer for the night is John Donner, and our referee is Will Harrison.  Please sit back and enjoy the show!!

*White Tiger vs. The Punisher
(Non-Title Match)
(Standard Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 345 pounds, from Parts Unknown, The Punisher!!! (crowd cheers **)

[As Bring it by DMX plays over intercome fire is Lighting up along the Ramp Way as he goes to ring when reaching ring Jumps up on the apron and steps over the top rope as Lights come on goes over to corner waits for opponent to enter ring and tosses T-Shirt out to the Fans. ]

John Donner - and his opponent, weighing in at 290 pounds, from New Dehli, *White Tiger!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[White Tiger comes down to the ring. The Monster drops *White Tiger with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. *White Tiger executes a pumphandle suplex on The Punisher. (ring, ring, ring) The Monster drives a forearm into *White Tiger. The Monster executes a pumphandle suplex on *White Tiger. *White Tiger moves back to his feet. *White Tiger hits The Monster with a running powerbomb on to the mat. The Punisher stands up. *White Tiger executes a huge gutbuster on The Punisher. *White Tiger get whipped into the corner and The Punisher follows himin with an avalanche. *White Tiger does a cartwheel and kicks The Punisher in the face. The Punisher gets back to his feet. The Punisher shoulder tackles *White Tiger. The Monster stands up. *White Tiger executes a spinning back suplex on The Punisher. *White Tiger is back on his feet. They lockup. *White Tiger sends The Monster to the corner of the ring. *White Tiger hits a spinning leg lariat on The Monster sending him to the mat. *White Tiger hits the mat. The Punisher executes a belly-to-belly suplex on *White Tiger. The Monster fist drops *White Tiger on the mat. The Monster gets up. *White Tiger is up again. *White Tiger hits a dragon suplex on The Punisher. *White Tiger apllies the camel clutch on The Punisher. Will Harrison is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) *White Tiger breaks the hold. They lockup. *White Tiger sends The Punisher to the corner of the ring. The Monster gives *White Tiger a stone cold stunner. The Monster gets up. *White Tiger gets back to his feet. The Monster tackles and begins punching *White Tiger. *White Tiger is back on his feet. *White Tiger with an exploder suplex on The Monster. *White Tiger climbs to his feet. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is quality sports entertainment!

[*White Tiger hits a frog splash on The Monster. *White Tiger moves back to his feet. The Monster gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by *White Tiger. Now *White Tiger standing. *White Tiger clotheslines The Punisher. *White Tiger chants start. *White Tiger throws The Punisher off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Now *White Tiger standing. *White Tiger executes the Supper DDT on The Punisher! The Punisher gets hit with the shooting star press from *White Tiger. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Chuck Wallace - *White Tiger has won the match!

John Donner - The winner of this match, *White Tiger!!!

*Juan Money vs. Death Angel
(Non-Title Match)
(Standard Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, from El Paso, TX, *Juan Money!!!

[Juan Money comes to the ring. ]

John Donner - and his opponent, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Death Valley a member of (NcW) Army of Hades, Death Angel!!! (crowd boos ***)

[the King of Kings play and lighting and fire hit the four ring post and Death Angel walks to the ring and lifts his arms and lighting and fire hit the four ring post again. The lights come back on with Death Angel in the ring, ready to wrestle. *Juan Money places Death Angel on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Death Angel drops *Juan Money with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ding, ding, ding) *Juan Money trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift Death Angel.Death Angel bounces *Juan Money off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop. Death Angel delivers a spine buster to *Juan Money. Death Angel piledrives *Juan Money head first into the mat. *Juan Money gets hit with a running powerslam by Death Angel Referee Will Harrison makes the count. ...1 *Juan Money escapes. ]

Chuck Wallace - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[*Juan Money trys for a atomic drop but is not strong enough to lift Death Angel.Death Angel gets thrown into the turnbuckle. *Juan Money comes over and smashes Death Angel's head into it. Death Angel executes a pumphandle suplex on *Juan Money. Death Angel gets back to his feet. *Juan Money climbs to his feet. Death Angel delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send *Juan Money hard to the mat. ]

Chuck Wallace - Nice inveted power bomb by Death Angel. What an outstanding match!

[Death Angel uses a belly-to-belly suplex. *Juan Money is down. ]

Chuck Wallace - side belly-to-belly suplex!

[*Juan Money gets up. *Juan Money executes a swinging bulldog on Death Angel driving Death Angel's face into the mat. *Juan Money gets back to his feet. Death Angel with a gut-wrench suplex on *Juan Money. *Juan Money gets back to his feet. *Juan Money executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Death Angel's head onto the mat. *Juan Money stands up. *Juan Money leg drops the throat of Death Angel. *Juan Money sends Death Angel to ringside. Will Harrison starts the count (.1) (..2) *Juan Money rolls onto Death Angel connecting with a knee. (...3) *Juan Money chops Death Angel. ]

Chuck Wallace - *Juan Money executes a chop.

[(....4) Death Angel uses a closed fist on *Juan Money. ]

Chuck Wallace - Death Angel executes a punch.

[(.....5) *Juan Money and Death Angel move back into the ring. *Juan Money executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Death Angel. Death Angel lifts *Juan Money into a vertical suplex. Now *Juan Money standing. Death Angel hits *Juan Money with a running powerbomb on to the mat. *Juan Money gets up. Death Angel puts the tazzmission on *Juan Money. Referee Will Harrison is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... ... *Juan Money escapes. Death Angel places *Juan Money on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Death Angel is up again. *Juan Money stands up. Death Angel executes a northern lights powerbomb on *Juan Money. Death Angel catches *Juan Money in the crucifx and goes for the pin. Death Angel sucks chants start in the crowd. Now Death Angel standing. Death Angel gut-wrenchs *Juan Money. Death Angel grabs *Juan Money and nails him with Death Reaction!!!!!!!!!!. *Juan Money gets hit with a running powerslam by Death Angel The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Chuck Wallace - Death Angel has won the match!

John Donner - The winner of this match, Death Angel!!!

*Sgt. Valor vs. RC Extreme
(Non-Title Match)
(Standard Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Tacoma, WA, RC Extreme!!! (crowd boos **)

[Behind the Mask by the Anarchy Club blares through the arena speaker system as RC Extreme poses on the stage under a waterfall of gold and silver fireworks, the pyros burn out and RC heads for the ring, after sliding in under the bottom rope RC poses one last time in the middle of the ring. ]

John Donner - and his opponent, weighing in at 269 pounds, from Washington DC, *Sgt. Valor!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Sgt. Valor comes to the ring as the National Anthem plays Will Harrison checks RC Extreme's boots and knee pads. Will Harrison checks *Sgt. Valor's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) RC Extreme gouges *Sgt. Valor's eyes out. RC Extreme uses a closed fist on *Sgt. Valor. RC Extreme uppercuts *Sgt. Valor. ]

Chuck Wallace - RC Extreme with a uppercut.

[RC Extreme executes a headlock takedown. RC Extreme lifts *Sgt. Valor and delivers a back breaker. *Sgt. Valor is up again. *Sgt. Valor with an exploder suplex on RC Extreme. ]

Chuck Wallace - Nice exploder suplex by *Sgt. Valor.

[*Sgt. Valor gets back to his feet. They lockup. *Sgt. Valor sends RC Extreme to the corner of the ring. RC Extreme gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. *Sgt. Valor is t-bone suplexed by RC Extreme. ]

Chuck Wallace - RC Extreme with a t-bone suplex.

[RC Extreme lifts *Sgt. Valor into the air. Holds him and drops him to the mat. *Sgt. Valor gets back to his feet. *Sgt. Valor gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by RC Extreme. RC Extreme lifts *Sgt. Valor and delivers a back breaker. *Sgt. Valor is up again. *Sgt. Valor executes an airplane spin on RC Extreme. *Sgt. Valor is back on his feet. *Sgt. Valor executes a piledriver on RC Extreme. RC Extreme gets back to his feet. RC Extreme executes the German suplex on *Sgt. Valor. RC Extreme bounces *Sgt. Valor off the ropes and clotheslines him. RC Extreme with the small package roll-up. RC Extreme is back on his feet. *Sgt. Valor grabs RC Extreme's head and DDT's him on the mat. *Sgt. Valor clotheslines RC Extreme. *Sgt. Valor rakes his fingers across RC Extreme's back. *Sgt. Valor with an exploder suplex on RC Extreme. *Sgt. Valor gets back to his feet. *Sgt. Valor executes an over the Military stomachbreaker on RC Extreme. *Sgt. Valor covers RC Extreme. Referee Will Harrison makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Chuck Wallace - We've got ourselves a winner!

John Donner - The winner of this match, *Sgt. Valor!!!

*Archfiends vs. Micro Powers
(Non-Title Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, *Archfiends!!!

[*Archfiends come to the ring. ]

John Donner - and their opponents, the team of Micro Powers.

[Loser by Beck plays as Justin Scott Payne and Wussy Boy come to the ring. Wussy Boy gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from *The Flea. *The Flea gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Wussy Boy. (ring, ring, ring) *The Flea punches Wussy Boy repeatedly. Wussy Boy comes from behind and bulldogs *The Flea. Wussy Boy stands up. *The Flea is back on his feet. *The Flea recieves a 5 Star Frog Splash from Wussy Boy off of the top rope. Wussy Boy hits *The Flea with an earringer. Wussy Boy tags Justin Scott Payne. Wussy Boy hits *The Flea with an atomic drop. *The Flea catches Wussy Boy's leg, but Wussy Boy reverses it with an enzuigiri to *The Flea's head. Wussy Boy hurricanranas *The Flea and goes for the pin. ]

Chuck Wallace - *The Flea is being double teamed!

[Flying somersault drop kick by Wussy Boy puts him back in the match. ]

Chuck Wallace - Wussy Boy executes a flying somersault dropkick.

[Wussy Boy gets up. Wussy Boy chops *The Flea. *The Flea brings in *Johnny Danger for *Archfiends. *The Flea measures Justin Scott Payne up and drops a closed fist. ]

Chuck Wallace - Come on ref! Do something!! Justin Scott Payne is being double teamed!

[They lockup. Justin Scott Payne sends *The Flea to the corner of the ring. ]

Chuck Wallace - *The Flea takes a weak move.

[Justin Scott Payne tags in Wussy Boy. Wussy Boy dropkicks *Johnny Danger. ]

Chuck Wallace - dropkick!

[Wussy Boy gets back to his feet. Wussy Boy hits *Johnny Danger with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Now *Johnny Danger standing. *Johnny Danger rakes the face of Wussy Boy in attempt to make a come back. Wussy Boy trys for a flying senton splash but *Johnny Danger avoids it. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is how wrestling should be!

[Wussy Boy makes the tag to Justin Scott Payne. Wussy Boy gouges *Johnny Danger's eyes out. *Johnny Danger dazed in the ring, Wussy Boy on the top rope. Wussy Boy jumps and grabs *Johnny Danger's head,bulldogging him Handspring hurricanrana by Wussy Boy has *Johnny Danger pinned. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is just awefull! *Johnny Danger is being double teamed!

[*Johnny Danger legsweeps Wussy Boy. Wussy Boy gets back to his feet. *Johnny Danger hits Wussy Boy with a heart punch. Wussy Boy tagged in by Justin Scott Payne. Justin Scott Payne pokes *Johnny Danger in the eyes. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is just awefull! *Johnny Danger is being double teamed!

[*Johnny Danger with an Aztecan suplex on Justin Scott Payne sends him to the mat. Justin Scott Payne gets back to his feet. *Johnny Danger makes the tag to *The Flea. Wussy Boy trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift *The Flea.Wussy Boy climbs to his feet. Wussy Boy and *The Flea go to the floor ]

Chuck Wallace - They better be careful, they could get counted out there.

[Will Harrison starts the count (.1) (..2) Wussy Boy hits him with a back fist. ]

Chuck Wallace - *The Flea takes a back fist.

[(...3) Wussy Boy hits him with a back fist. (....4) Wussy Boy hits *The Flea with an earringer. ]

Chuck Wallace - earringer!

[(.....5) *The Flea takes Wussy Boy into the ring. Wussy Boy gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Wussy Boy tags Justin Scott Payne. Justin Scott Payne pulls *The Flea's hair. Justin Scott Payne grabs *The Flea's arm, takes him down with the japanese armdrag takedown. Wussy Boy punches *The Flea repeatedly. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is just awefull! *The Flea is being double teamed!

[*The Flea rolls onto Wussy Boy connecting with a knee. *The Flea applies an arm wrench to Wussy Boy. ]

Chuck Wallace - *The Flea executes a arm wrench.

[*The Flea hits Wussy Boy with an elbowdrop. ]

Chuck Wallace - *The Flea with a elbowdrop.

[*The Flea gets up. *The Flea goes for a pin. Referee Will Harrison makes the count. ...1 ...2 Wussy Boy escapes. ]

Chuck Wallace - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Wussy Boy.

[Wussy Boy gets back to his feet. *The Flea punches Wussy Boy in the head. Wussy Boy goes for a frankensteiner but *The Flea dodges the attack. Wussy Boy drags *The Flea to the floor. Will Harrison starts the count (.1) ]

Chuck Wallace - My God!! What a match!

[(..2) Wussy Boy comes from behind and bulldogs *The Flea. Wussy Boy stands up. (...3) Wussy Boy hits *The Flea with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Chuck Wallace - Wussy Boy with a elbowdrop.

[*The Flea does a handspring and hits Wussy Boy with a bodyblock, what a move! ]

Chuck Wallace - That handspring bodyblock was very good.

[(....4) *The Flea runs in and leg drops Wussy Boy. *The Flea sucks chants start in the crowd. (.....5) *The Flea knees Wussy Boy and rolls back to his feet. Now Wussy Boy standing. *The Flea hits Wussy Boy with the belly-to-belly suplex. *The Flea stands up. *The Flea takes Wussy Boy into the ring. *The Flea grabs Wussy Boy and applies an arm wrench. *The Flea sucks chants start in the crowd. *The Flea hits Wussy Boy with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. *The Flea gets up. *The Flea powerbombs Wussy Boy into the mat. *The Flea covers Wussy Boy. Will Harrison counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

John Donner - The winners of this match, *Archfiends!!!

*Matt Johnson vs. Jade
(Non-Title Match)
(Standard Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Chicago, IL, *Matt Johnson!!!

[Matt Johnson walks to the ring. ]

John Donner - and his opponent, weighing in at 190 pounds, from Denver,Colorado a member of K.o.D., Jade!!!

[Back off Bi+ch begins to play as Jade's branding iron is slowly lowered into the ring from a chain, the scent of Jazmyne fills the arena as Jade sequins fall from the ceilingthe arena suddenly goes dark, with a loud explosion, through the smoke, Jade appears in the ring, holding her branding iron. *Matt Johnson walks around the ring. Will Harrison checks Jade's boots and knee pads. (the bell rings) *Matt Johnson punches The Knight in the gut. *Matt Johnson hits The Knight with a baba chop. ]

Chuck Wallace - baba chop!

[ The Knight uses a lariat on *Matt Johnson. *Matt Johnson moves back to his feet. *Matt Johnson hits The Knight with an earringer. Jade is hit with a backward kick. *Matt Johnson goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 Jade kicks out. ]

Chuck Wallace - *Matt Johnson should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Now Jade standing. The Knight chickkicks *Matt Johnson. *Matt Johnson is back on his feet. Jade pulls *Matt Johnson's hair. *Matt Johnson body slams Jade. ]

Chuck Wallace - *Matt Johnson's momma would be proud!

[*Matt Johnson executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Knight. *Matt Johnson gets up. *Matt Johnson executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Knight. Now *Matt Johnson standing. The Knight executes a jawbreaker on *Matt Johnson. Jade gets back to his feet. *Matt Johnson gets up. *Matt Johnson rakes his fingers across The Knight's back. *Matt Johnson gets tiger suplexed by Jade. Jade is back on his feet. *Matt Johnson climbs to his feet. *Matt Johnson hits the fallaway slam on Jade. ]

Chuck Wallace - My God!! What a match!

[*Matt Johnson suplexes The Knight. *Matt Johnson and Jade go to the floor Will Harrison starts the count (.1) *Matt Johnson piledrives Jade. (..2) ]

Chuck Wallace - My God!! What a match!

[(...3) *Matt Johnson executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Knight. *Matt Johnson gets up. The Knight gets back to his feet. (....4) Jade nails *Matt Johnson with a belly-to-back suplex. The Knight gets up. (.....5) *Matt Johnson takes The Knight into the ring. *Matt Johnson bites The Knight's arm out of desparation. The Knight chickkicks *Matt Johnson. Jade get whipped into the corner and *Matt Johnson follows himin with an avalanche. ]

Chuck Wallace - That avalanche was very good.

[*Matt Johnson executes the brain buster on The Knight. *Matt Johnson gets back to his feet. *Matt Johnson piledrives Jade. *Matt Johnson piledrives Jade. *Matt Johnson does a handspring and hits Jade with a bodyblock, what a move! *Matt Johnson stands up. *Matt Johnson apllies the camel clutch on The Knight. Referee Will Harrison is checking for a tap out. ... *Matt Johnson tightens the hold. ... ... The Knight is fighting the hold. ... *Matt Johnson tightens the hold. ... ... *Matt Johnson tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... *Matt Johnson tightens the hold. ... The Knight is fighting the hold. ... The Knight taps out. ]

Chuck Wallace - We've got ourselves a winner!

John Donner - The winner of this match, *Matt Johnson!!!
Main Event

*Johnny Danger vs. Hedge McCoy
(Non-Title Match)
(Standard Match)

John Donner - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 239 pounds, from California State Prison a member of Rebellion X accompanied by Mistress Sable Lynn he holds the AWL-NcW North American, Prince of Pain title belts, Hedge McCoy!!! (crowd boos ***)

["Trust?" by Limp Bizkit plays as Hedge McCoy comes out through the curtain with handcuffs and chained feet. His security officer and girlfriend Mistress Sable Lynn help uncuff him and he gets into the ring, pumped up and ready for action. ]

John Donner - and his opponent, weighing in at 281 pounds, from Oklahoma City, OK, *Johnny Danger!!! (crowd boos *)

[Johnny Danger comes down to the ring. Hedge McCoy drops *Johnny Danger with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. *Johnny Danger executes a pumphandle suplex on Hedge McCoy. (the bell rings) Hedge McCoy forearm smashes *Johnny Danger. ]

Chuck Wallace - Inmate 214 executes a forearm smash.

[ Inmate 214 with a gut-wrench suplex on *Johnny Danger. Inmate 214 kicks *Johnny Danger in the head. Inmate 214 measures *Johnny Danger up and drops a closed fist. Inmate 214 gets back to his feet. Inmate 214 executes a belly-to-belly suplex on *Johnny Danger. *Johnny Danger moves back to his feet. *Johnny Danger hits Hedge McCoy with a slingshot bodyblock. *Johnny Danger sends Inmate 214 to ringside. Will Harrison starts the count (.1) (..2) Hedge McCoy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from *Johnny Danger. ]

Chuck Wallace - diving elbow smash!

[*Johnny Danger stands up. Now Inmate 214 standing. (...3) Inmate 214 tackles and begins punching *Johnny Danger. (....4) Inmate 214 executes a belly-to-belly suplex on *Johnny Danger. Hedge McCoy is nailed with a waistlock suplex from *Johnny Danger. (.....5) (......6) *Johnny Danger and Hedge McCoy move back into the ring. *Johnny Danger rakes his fingers across Inmate 214's back. *Johnny Danger nails Inmate 214 with a belly-to-back suplex. *Johnny Danger moves back to his feet. *Johnny Danger measures Inmate 214 up and drops a closed fist. ]

Chuck Wallace - Inmate 214 takes a fist drop.

[*Johnny Danger executes a corkscrew legdrop on Hedge McCoy. *Johnny Danger trys for a backspin DDT/Miavia Hurrcane but Hedge McCoy avoids it. *Johnny Danger executes a swinging bulldog on Hedge McCoy driving Hedge McCoy's face into the mat. Inmate 214 gets back to his feet. *Johnny Danger get whipped into the corner and Hedge McCoy follows himin with an avalanche. Inmate 214 gets tiger suplexed by *Johnny Danger. *Johnny Danger moves back to his feet. Now Hedge McCoy standing. *Johnny Danger hits Inmate 214 with a single arm DDT. *Johnny Danger sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Chuck Wallace - If *Johnny Danger keeps using moves like that single arm DDT he could win the match!

[*Johnny Danger moves back to his feet. *Johnny Danger rolls onto Inmate 214 connecting with a knee. Inmate 214 side slams *Johnny Danger. Inmate 214 delivers a kick to the head of *Johnny Danger. *Johnny Danger gets up. Hedge McCoy lifts *Johnny Danger into the air and delivers a spine buster. Inmate 214 sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Chuck Wallace - *Johnny Danger takes a spine buster.

[*Johnny Danger is back on his feet. *Johnny Danger delivers a spinning backbreak to Inmate 214. *Johnny Danger rolls onto Inmate 214 connecting with a knee. Inmate 214 is up again. Hedge McCoy hits him with a back fist. ]

Chuck Wallace - Hedge McCoy executes a back fist.

[*Johnny Danger spinning mule kicks Inmate 214. Inmate 214 gets up. Inmate 214 pump handle slams *Johnny Danger to the mat. ]

Chuck Wallace - If Inmate 214 keeps using moves like that pumphandle slam he could win the match!

[*Johnny Danger gets hit with a running powerslam by Hedge McCoy Will Harrison counts. ...1 ...2 *Johnny Danger kicks out. ]

Chuck Wallace - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Hedge McCoy nails *Johnny Danger with a belly-to-back suplex. Will Harrison is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... *Johnny Danger trys to escape. *Johnny Danger escapes. Mistress Sable Lynn clotheslines *Johnny Danger. ]

Chuck Wallace - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Hedge McCoy lifts *Johnny Danger up and drops him on his knee. Inmate 214 sucks chants start in the crowd. Inmate 214 falls head first into *Johnny Danger. Now Inmate 214 standing. Hedge McCoy stomps *Johnny Danger. Inmate 214 measures *Johnny Danger up and drops a closed fist. Hedge McCoy is up again. Hedge McCoy places *Johnny Danger on the turnbuckle and executes the Death Row Plunge! *Johnny Danger is down. Inmate 214 uses a lariat on *Johnny Danger. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Chuck Wallace - Hedge McCoy has won the match!

John Donner - The winner of this match, Hedge McCoy!!!

Blackwalker Productions
